Almost anyone is capable of speaking in English language. Still, to be able so just speak & speak well are two different things. Roughly the way we speak - tones, pronunciations, word arrangements, will give the first impression to almost everyone & anyone at most times.
We Malaysians live in country that was once colonised by an English country. As a matter of fact one of the best English speaker itself , the British.
Though I'm still unsure whether the London fellows or the Welsh speaks better.
As time pass by the English language used in our country change (from my point of view). We don't really use British English anymore due to the fact that our media mainly have more American shows on it. Our country is made up of many races that have their own mother language could count in as another main factor as well. This will definitely put some effect on the pronunciations for sure. Let me introduce you to the Malaysian English.
As long as it is understandable & the sense of grammar is still there it is still call English language. But how do we do among all other countries in the world? Look below & you'll get the answer.

Though I'm still unsure whether the London fellows or the Welsh speaks better.
As time pass by the English language used in our country change (from my point of view). We don't really use British English anymore due to the fact that our media mainly have more American shows on it. Our country is made up of many races that have their own mother language could count in as another main factor as well. This will definitely put some effect on the pronunciations for sure. Let me introduce you to the Malaysian English.
As long as it is understandable & the sense of grammar is still there it is still call English language. But how do we do among all other countries in the world? Look below & you'll get the answer.

"English proficiency is highest in Europe as a whole. All the very high proficiency countries and all
but one of the high proficiency countries are found there. However, the trend does not hold for all
European countries: Spain, Italy and Turkey fall behind their neighbors.
Asia has a range of English proficiency levels from high in Malaysia to very low in Vietnam
and Indonesia. The wealthier Asian countries tend to have higher levels of proficiency, as
would be expected from their higher rates of school attendance and greater investment
in private English courses.
Latin America has the lowest level of English proficiency of any region. Only Mexico and
Argentina score above low proficiency. Historically weaker school enrollment levels, more political
unrest, and low levels of government investment in education are all contributing factors."
-Education First
According to The Star, we ranked 3rd in Southeast Asia. This was the result of the analysis of
the English Language Assessment (ELA) by online recruitment company JobStreet.com together
with 4 other country which are Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand & Philippines. Singapore
ranked 1st & Philippines is just ahead of us. Thailand settled at 4th then followed by Indonesia.
I know there are few of you out there saying "Wattahell? As long as I can speak & understand
ok lorrrhhhh. What for susah2 pandai Inggellish?". Well, look at the figure below & figure it out
yourself. That is IF you could understand it well because it is in English. =)

These are the fields of work/industries together with their English standard.
What those abbreviations mean? Go look for yourself. I won't spoon feed you guys all the time.
*p/s: By the way along my research i found this website to test our English proficiency. Have fun!
but one of the high proficiency countries are found there. However, the trend does not hold for all
European countries: Spain, Italy and Turkey fall behind their neighbors.
Asia has a range of English proficiency levels from high in Malaysia to very low in Vietnam
and Indonesia. The wealthier Asian countries tend to have higher levels of proficiency, as
would be expected from their higher rates of school attendance and greater investment
in private English courses.
Latin America has the lowest level of English proficiency of any region. Only Mexico and
Argentina score above low proficiency. Historically weaker school enrollment levels, more political
unrest, and low levels of government investment in education are all contributing factors."
-Education First
According to The Star, we ranked 3rd in Southeast Asia. This was the result of the analysis of
the English Language Assessment (ELA) by online recruitment company JobStreet.com together
with 4 other country which are Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand & Philippines. Singapore
ranked 1st & Philippines is just ahead of us. Thailand settled at 4th then followed by Indonesia.
I know there are few of you out there saying "Wattahell? As long as I can speak & understand
ok lorrrhhhh. What for susah2 pandai Inggellish?". Well, look at the figure below & figure it out
yourself. That is IF you could understand it well because it is in English. =)

These are the fields of work/industries together with their English standard.
What those abbreviations mean? Go look for yourself. I won't spoon feed you guys all the time.
*p/s: By the way along my research i found this website to test our English proficiency. Have fun!
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