The Best Counselling Reply Evarr

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Well its not about men and lack of sense in giving advise.

Its more about that "does these kind of people really exist??!!"


Wrong Interpretation

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Benda ni dah terjadi lama dah yakni time cuti CNY dulu.

Tapi aku x de masa nk luahkan atas sebab-sebab tertentu
(busy laa pe lagi)

Ini berlaku masa aku keluar teman Madiel g Sungei Wang nak alter seluar
(dekat2 ada tp gedik nk wat jauh2)

And time tu aku pakai baju seperti di bawah.

So, situasinya begini.

Di kala aku berjalan2 tanpa hala tuju dengan Madiel kami tersempak ngan sorang brader ni.

Tidak dapat dikenal pasti sama ada dia mamat arab atau india ataupon campur dua2 skali.


X payah nk kecamuk pikir pasal tu.

It started when he said . . .

"Hey bro."

with all the sudden x taw kenapa.


Nak jadi rakyat 1Malaysia yg baik aku pon reply balik. X nak laa nanti orang kata sombong kan????

Selepas bebrapa ketika berjalan menjauhi brader tu dalam beberapa meter . . . .

"Do you like gays???"

. . .

. . . .

. . . . .

Gave him just a glance and we walk with the steps of a fast accelarating hunting tiger (sempena CNY).

Do I look so much like a gay wearing that shirt???!!!

Its says "Wrong Turn".

Not "Wrong Orientation".


What a douche.

Well pity him he can't read well or interpret things well at least.


But when hanging out with her I never look gay no matter what I wear.
