How To Calculate CC In Your Bike?
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

World Democratic In Advance #sarcasm
So who is to blame? Do made make up your own mind base on your own intelligence.
Ingatkah anda dengan Afghanistan?
Ingatkah anda dengan Iraq?
Siapakah yang perlu dipersalahkan? Jadi, silalah fikir sendiri berdasarkan akal masing-masing.
Sweet Meme Proposal
Friday, December 23, 2011
Kenapa Pikachu Enggan Masuk Poké Ball
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

sekarang korang dah tau kenapa dalam Pokémon Yellow Pikachu tak mau masuk Poké Ball?
celaka pandai punye binatang
Too Detail I Guess
*You guys know how i love these kind of related topics.

Who You Should Date?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wash Hands?
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Many decades would pass before we understood the meaning of all three. And now, the twilight of our life, misunderstanding has past into contentment.
Love, liberty, and time: once was so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward. And love, most especially.
For our children, our brothers and sisters. And for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life, and keeps us guessing. Endless affection,to God."
Bila Harian Metro Tiada Bahan Untuk Dilaporkan
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Namun lately aku tengok Harian Metro seolah-olah ketandusan idea, kehilangan inspirasi, kegersangan bahan. kurang minum jusmate ke apa?
Biasa kalau bahagian arena tu kita paham laa kan ada berita pasal EPL, Liga Malaysia, golf, bowling & macam2 sukan lain lagi. Tapi tadi aku terbukak satu laporan dari Harian Metro yang agak senggama minda aku tengok....

Apa Yang Tak De Time Puasa?
Monday, August 1, 2011
bukan makananan k
kehadirin makhluk yang ada di antara kita buat bestfriend siap jadi BFF lagi tu yakni SETAN
aku pun aman dah nak tido malam x de yang mengganggu HAHA
Mari kita preview sikit "kawan baik" korang ni ~xD
Sejak dari dahulu lagi malahan dalam sejarah manusia kepercayaan terhadap kewujudan makhluk2 ni yang bak orang kampung aku kata demonic sudah wujud. Entiti yang telah diberi pelbagai nama ini juga dapat dilihat dalam mitos, lagenda dan juga agama. Penyebaran agama2 Samawi (Abrahamic Religions) telah mendalamkan lagi kepercayaan & pemahaman tentang isu ini. Namun sedemekian banyak budaya telah sedia ada mempunyai pahaman sendiri tentang enititi ini yang di mana kadang2 lagi melampau dari apa yang ada dalam ajaran agama Samawi.
Di sini aku senaraikan 10 makhluk halus terhangat di pasaran daripada pelbagai agama & budaya yang berbeza.




Raiju adalah teman Rajin, tuhan kilat Shinto. Makhluk ini dikatakan gemar berehat di dalam pusat manusia yang tidur. Untuk mengejutkannya, Raijin terpaksa menyambar petir ke arah Raiju untuk mengejutkannya yang di mana secara tidak langsung manusia juga akan tersambar sekali tak pasal2. Oleh kerana itu, orang2 Jepun mengamalkan tidur meniarap untuk mengelakkan insiden ini.
baru aku tau asal usul nama Pokemon Raichu & Raikou HAHA






Apa macam? Agak camne rupa dorang keluar skali time Ramadhan habis kan? =)
Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Mozilla, the organisation behind the web browser Firefox, has launched a new operating system (OS) project for mobile devices that will run applications primarily on the Web, says PCWorld.
Named Boot to Gecko (B2G), the project is in pursuit of Mozilla’s goal of building a complete, standalone operating system for the open web.
The operating system will be based on Android at the lowest-level, since the basics are already there, but there’s no word on whether it will be compatible with Android apps.
Since Mozilla is taking a different direction with its OS with running applications primarily on the Web, this could be a problem for users who don’t have a big data plan.
In addition, the developers at Mozilla should also consider the fact that not everywhere in the world has a high-speed stable wireless network.
So in theory, if Mozilla wants to pull this off, they would have to make their OS as lightweight as possible, which means they would either have to make an OS that doesn’t consume a lot of resources or compress the data before sending it to the user.
The project is still in its infancy and in their brief B2G webpage they have enlisted a few web apps that they still need, including a phone, SMS, contacts manager, camera/photo manager/gallery, e-book reader and games.
Mozilla is encouraging developers to participate in its ambitious attempt to compete with the likes of Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS.
English Proficiency - Where Are We Malaysians?
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Almost anyone is capable of speaking in English language. Still, to be able so just speak & speak well are two different things. Roughly the way we speak - tones, pronunciations, word arrangements, will give the first impression to almost everyone & anyone at most times.
Though I'm still unsure whether the London fellows or the Welsh speaks better.
As time pass by the English language used in our country change (from my point of view). We don't really use British English anymore due to the fact that our media mainly have more American shows on it. Our country is made up of many races that have their own mother language could count in as another main factor as well. This will definitely put some effect on the pronunciations for sure. Let me introduce you to the Malaysian English.
As long as it is understandable & the sense of grammar is still there it is still call English language. But how do we do among all other countries in the world? Look below & you'll get the answer.

but one of the high proficiency countries are found there. However, the trend does not hold for all
European countries: Spain, Italy and Turkey fall behind their neighbors.
Asia has a range of English proficiency levels from high in Malaysia to very low in Vietnam
and Indonesia. The wealthier Asian countries tend to have higher levels of proficiency, as
would be expected from their higher rates of school attendance and greater investment
in private English courses.
Latin America has the lowest level of English proficiency of any region. Only Mexico and
Argentina score above low proficiency. Historically weaker school enrollment levels, more political
unrest, and low levels of government investment in education are all contributing factors."
-Education First
According to The Star, we ranked 3rd in Southeast Asia. This was the result of the analysis of
the English Language Assessment (ELA) by online recruitment company together
with 4 other country which are Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand & Philippines. Singapore
ranked 1st & Philippines is just ahead of us. Thailand settled at 4th then followed by Indonesia.
I know there are few of you out there saying "Wattahell? As long as I can speak & understand
ok lorrrhhhh. What for susah2 pandai Inggellish?". Well, look at the figure below & figure it out
yourself. That is IF you could understand it well because it is in English. =)

These are the fields of work/industries together with their English standard.
What those abbreviations mean? Go look for yourself. I won't spoon feed you guys all the time.
*p/s: By the way along my research i found this website to test our English proficiency. Have fun!
Types of Bodies
Saturday, July 23, 2011
i never ever heard of that word seriously
Where's Your Target Doggie???
Hey those the dog gets to ejaculate after that? I really doubt that it will LOL
Some Facts of Boobs That We All Love
Friday, July 22, 2011

Wow. Those are real, and yes, they are spectacular. Just so this post isn’t purely sexist, here are some interesting and fun breast facts. Feel free to impress your friends with a few of these facts about breasts at your next party. Awww, who am I kidding, you aren’t reading this, are you? If so, give a comment below.
Some Women Can Reach Orgasm Via Breast Stimulation

The idea that women can achieve orgasm via breast stimulation alone has been put forward by Marshall Miller and Dorian Solot, a pair of high-profile sex educators or enthusiast pervs and the authors of I Love Female Orgasm: An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide. According to their findings, about 1% of women report the ability to achieve orgasm through manual stimulation of their breasts.
Cleavage Is Not Determined By Breast Size (never thought of this)

2 women with same cup size may not have the same cleavage. Woman’s breasts that are fuller in the middle will have greater cleavage. Woman with only an A or B cup but with her breasts naturally set close together, can have nice cleavage too. In addition, if your body is narrow below your shoulders, you’ll have an easier time creating a deeper valley between your 2 peaks.
Statistically The Left One Is Bigger (did anyone noticed?)

This is according to a study published in the Annals of Plastic Surgery that looked at the breasts of just under 600 women. As their breasts grow and develop during puberty and beyond, one of the chief concerns girls have, and something that causes them way more grief than is necessary, is over one being bigger or smaller than the other.
Are They Real?

At least 4,000,000 sets of these babies are fake. More than 2 million women in the United States have breast implants. The average age a woman gets a boob job is 34 … 90% wait until after they have children. The majority of women go up about two cup sizes. Of course, implants still carry health risks, but that doesn’t stop 250,000 from going under the knife each and every year.
Let Those Sleeping Breasts Lie

But this is definitely not my favourite...

Long Island Couple Gets Married In A Shark Tank
Albert Einstein
"Science without religion is lame" - Albert Einstein
Mood - The Edge of Glory
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Expect Them
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Malaysia Official Government Website
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