Lots of stuff we learned at school/college
(Maths, Chemist, Statistics, Architecture,Electronics etc.)
No one really knows how to implement these shitties especially during early stage of learning (including myself . . .)
At the end of the the day, the light came and show the methods of implementation.
Still there are those who can't get it.
Also, exist those who are kinda too smart (or just trying too outsmart others) created formulas, statistics, hypothesis and more about things they see around them.
Ridiculous most of them. Showed You guys one of it in one of my earlier post (Equations For Final) =)
What a young and distressed unemployed Mathematician would say . . .

I can't even tell if his methods really applicable in Maths =/
Chemistry, one of the most hated subjects. May cause students to go mad and hence . . .

Graphs are very important on so many ways.
To tell people of the current situation with simpler methods.
Applied by the mass media for the public and business organisations for clients.

Architecture? Crucial subjects for the growth of the nation.
For buildings production to be specific.

Who the hell invented it anyway
In other words these are about gender bias.
Hate it actually.
Those stories of women bla bla bla . . .
Are just myths to me
All are just the same to me
Men could be an equally one hell of a bitch.
Its just the subject that you refer.
Just see the fact:
- Men could create problems as much as women
- Men could be as patient as like any women
- Men could be as clean as like any women
- Men could be a dumb ass as like any women
- Men could be a good lover as like any women
- Men could chase for women's wealth as well
- Winning of an arguments depends to how the matter is handled and the solid facts provided. Anyone could be at fault no matter men or women
- There are some men who shop like theres no tomorrow if the chance is there (like me). Not just women
- Men are equally complicated like women. It only depends on the subject as I said earlier. If that person is a total pain in the ass, the fact will remain that way no matter what the gender. These gender bias issue's origin remain to be unknown. Its a decease. Like a cancer. It will stay and grow in any community and tear it apart.
So problems could come from anywhere and anyone.
Contents of this post are solely from my own thoughts (except the pictures) and are not for educational purpose. Apply fair use terms.