Vroom - Ahli Fiqir
Sebab anda memang driver sejati.

Syahmi Ruhaizat
Name of the Game - OAG
Kerana anda lebish sanggup menghabiskan RM600 pada boot bola daripada bola bowling.

Rozana Ramli
Miss Indiependant - Kelly Clarkson
Sebab anda memang mampu berdikari tanpa lelaki.

I Won't See You Tonight (Part 2)
Actually forever pon dah x nk dah jumpa. Dengar lagu tu sendiri pastu paham2 la je ye.
Aidil Fadzilah
Right Now - Korn
Ko pon sama.

Don't Stay - Linkin Park
Ni pon sorang lagi.

Jiwa Kelajuan -Hujan
Bawak moto x reti nk slow. Kete pon nk yang ley kejar Jet.

Ah Moi Chantek - . . .
Sebab aku ingat amoi mane sesat masok tido bilik time tengok ko tido. Nasib baik aku x cabul.

Hard To Explain - The Strokes
Sebab aku x reti nak explain ko ni camane.

Iqeat Ismail
This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song - System of a Down
Great inspirations arises when you're 'wank!'

Sebab anda memang driver sejati.

Syahmi Ruhaizat
Name of the Game - OAG
Kerana anda lebish sanggup menghabiskan RM600 pada boot bola daripada bola bowling.

Rozana Ramli
Miss Indiependant - Kelly Clarkson
Sebab anda memang mampu berdikari tanpa lelaki.

I Won't See You Tonight (Part 2)
Actually forever pon dah x nk dah jumpa. Dengar lagu tu sendiri pastu paham2 la je ye.
Aidil Fadzilah
Right Now - Korn
Ko pon sama.

Don't Stay - Linkin Park
Ni pon sorang lagi.

Jiwa Kelajuan -Hujan
Bawak moto x reti nk slow. Kete pon nk yang ley kejar Jet.

Ah Moi Chantek - . . .
Sebab aku ingat amoi mane sesat masok tido bilik time tengok ko tido. Nasib baik aku x cabul.

Hard To Explain - The Strokes
Sebab aku x reti nak explain ko ni camane.

Iqeat Ismail
This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song - System of a Down
Great inspirations arises when you're 'wank!'

No songs for you dear because there just to many of them and I'll squeeze all of them into my voice for you and hoping that you will fall for it.
No songs for you dear because there just to many of them and I'll squeeze all of them into my voice for you and hoping that you will fall for it.